Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bring it on - civilized violence

Humankind is a violent kind. In every form, factor and form factor - as we rebel against the usual and the unusual. Breaking a rule for fun, changing an established order and or in challenging status quo in the streets of Cairo, we would be nothing if we were not violent.

Thankfully, superior samples of the species have put their violent brains into good use in coming up with sports as a means to avoid mutually assured destruction. We are hence civilized when we challenge our brethren to compete vigorously in play, and share a beer at the end of the day. Sports is a different kind of violence - the kind that endears us to each other. The kind where you want to outcompete and outsweat the opposition with all your strength. It is channel for our restless energies, our alcoholic breaths and our codified minds. Teaching us a life lesson in being able to fight again after you have lost the day.

There is enough violence and aggresion in sports, but there is also an opportunity to make a better human being. In learning to deal with loss, defeat and in learning to trust the collective strength of your team - the grounds of sporting activity are probably the best breeding grounds for future leaders of businesses and nations. It will be an interesting study to see what the contribution of sports has been in shaping leaders. One can assume its significant, and maybe our leadership schools should include a mandatory course in team sports for its entering class. Accounting can come once we have accounted for those who can pick themselves up.

" No games, Just sports" is what NIKE is saying. We do not disagree.

Further reading :

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